Resource Center
Welcome to the Triangle Shooting Academy Resource Center. We developed the Resource Center as a tool to share information about firearms, ammunition, training, firearms laws and regulations, safety and other essential topics. The Resource Center is your online source for how-to tips, techniques and more. This library of information will continue to grow as we add content on a regular basis. You will find the most recent posts below. You can also select a category to search the Resource Center by topic.
Dry-Fire Drills: Practicing without the Ammunition Costs
Over the course of this article we’ll go over some of the dry fire motions you can go through and how to best spend your time practicing outside of the range.
Single-Action VS Double-Action
In this resource, we will cover the difference between Single Action and Double Action which we touched on briefly in other resources like Hammer vs Striker. As it pertains to Single Action and Double Action, these terms mostly fall into the world of hammer-fired firearms, though there are some exceptions to this rule. But for now, we’ll only concern ourselves with hammer-fired firearms.

Following up on our last resource, Anatomy of a Handgun, this article discusses the difference between a handgun that is hammer-fired and one that is striker-fired.

If you’ve browsed Triangle Shooting Academy’s inventory or watched any popular shows recently then you probably have seen a handgun before, and could pick one out of a lineup of other firearms. Handguns have been such iconic items in culture and media that one would be hard-pressed to find someone that couldn’t give you a general description.

If you’ve visited Triangle Shooting Academy, you know that hearing protection is mandatory when shooting on our range. We encourage everyone to always wear hearing protection when shooting outside as well. There’s good reason. Hearing …

Range bags are an indispensable, yet often overlooked, part of training. They’re designed specifically to carry your firearms, ammo and shooting essentials to the firing line in a single trip. High-quality versions accomplish the task …