Dress Code

Triangle Shooting Academy’s dress code is in place for safety reasons – such as preventing hot brass from making contact with your skin. Triangle Shooting Academy reserves the right to refuse anyone to shoot at our facility for dress code.


  •  No open-toed shoes or high heels are permitted on the range.
  •  No tank tops, low-cut, see-through or cropped shirts are permitted on the range.
  • Hoods and facial coverings are not to be worn inside the facility at any time. Your attire should not block your identifying features.
  • Facial coverings are not to be worn inside the facility.
  • No bathrobes or any other uncommon attire.
  • Pants are to be worn at waist level at all times in the facility.
  • Earmuffs are required to be worn while inside the range. Earplugs are not considered to be sufficient ear protection.
  • Eye protection is required to be worn while inside the range. Prescription eyeglasses are an approved replacement for standard eye protection.
  • No body armor is permitted to be worn in the facility or on the range.


Suggested Attire for the Range

We suggest shooters wear t-shirts, comfortable tennis shoes and your prescription eyeglasses – if you wear any! And remember, ear and eye protection must always be worn inside the range. Earplugs are not considered to be sufficient ear protection. Earmuffs are required. Prescription eyeglasses are an approved replacement for standard eye protection.




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